BabySplat 0.93 is a lifesaver for moms, dads, or big brothers trying to work at home with a computer. Why do we say this? Because those people are who always “fight” with children while trying to work. Computers are like magnets for kids, they always want to touch the screen, mouse and keyboard. If they catch you unaware or while you went out for a cup of coffee or something, you could loss important work in process.
So how does this beauty work? Pretty simple. You only have to run BabySplat and put it on your desktop. All you will see is a regular window with a menu on top, and a blank screen. When the little intruders come along to the computer they definitely will attack your keyboard. They will be surprised when BabySplat starts popping up colorful shapes and play all kind of funny sounds. Each key that is pressed will show a new shape and play a new sound, but the same key won’t show the same shape or play the same sound twice, making it more entertaining for kids.
Of course, BabySplat is not infallible, but can keep little intruders entertained with something different than your important work, unless until you come back. BabySplat is freeware or, more precisely, an application supported by donations. That means that you should evaluate BabySplat and send whatever you consider the application is worth to you.